Since I shied clear of his professional uniforms and went with the one he wore in high school is was much trickier for guessing than I had hoped for. I guess I should’ve hidden Nesco on the shoe.. “M” didn’t stand for anything but I wanted to make sure I avoided any Nikki shoe symbols as well.
I recently saw an article where Tim Tebow’s foundation helped someone adopt a special needs child from China. That was cool so I began my research.
Tim is kind of a miracle baby as his mother had health issues before she knew she was pregnant. She was doing missionary work in the Philippines and the drug she was given could’ve damaged her child before he was even born so the doctors encouraged her to have an abortion. She refused and Tim was born without problems. He grew up in the Philipines for a while and then came back to the states. He grew up homeschooled but was allowed to play football for Allen D. Nease High School in Florida.
He went on to play for Urban Meyers at the University of Florida and received the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore. He received even more notoriety when he included scripture messages in his black eye paint worn during games. He built a hospital in the Philippines to help serve children.