My dad was a huge Johnny Weissmuller fan. I had a different Tarzan I liked and whenever I’d say that, he’d defend Weissmuller as the ultimate Tarzan. I don’t even know who the guy I liked was but he was slimmer and blonder.
Johnny Weissmuller was amazing. As a youth he had polio and had a real challenge of regaining his strength and vigor. Swimming became his passion and he excelled at it. He was actually born in Romania but this was kept a secret so he could compete in the Olympics for the USA. He won 5 medals and the only reason he didn’t continue in the Olympics was that it was too difficult to make a decent living and be a amateuer athlete.
The part of Tarzan was practically made for him. He loved the swimming and interacting with the animals, riding bareback on elephants and rhinos.
A real life hero, he and his brother saved 20 passengers when boat overturned and captsized. He also saved 8 more when a yacht had dificulties. He promoted healthy living and eating right. He as always one to serve and give back to make this world a better place.