Dear Seth Godin,
I recently bought a book, The Dip by you. I’ve heard a lot about you and read several of your blog posts. This book was pretty small but they never have any of your books at the thrift stores so I thought I’d give it a read. This is interesting because although I’m an avid reader I’ve read maybe 5 books this year and most years I read 3-4 a week. It’s an experiment and I think it’s working.
I read The Dip and it was exactly what I needed to read at this time. I’m working on making these dolls and figuring out some kind of business strategy..which there are oodles of folks giving and selling a kajillion ideas they claim will make you loads of money.
I liked that The Dip isn’t really about money, it’s about any goal that you have. I appreciate that it scientifically explains how to figure out when to persevere and when to jump ship and do something different. Seth, thanks for explaining winners do quit, they’re just smart about it. I also needed to know winners narrow down their focus and laser beam their intentions.
The Dip might not be for everyone. I tried to share with my hubby and he tossed it back before finishing the first page.. alas. I on the other hand will be adding all your books to my reading list..because I haven’t quit reading,. I’m just being very intentional about what I’m spending my time and brain power on . Great little book, perfect for graduates and anyone wanting to set and reach goals. It’s obviously very timeless as it was written back in 2007 and still is totally relevant. Thanks for pushing your publisher to get this book out! Sincerely,
Vickie Smith