It might not be a big deal in some places but in the states of Idaho and Utah, Pioneer Day, July 24th is a big deal with parades and celebrations. Right here in Fremont County we have our own Pioneer Days activities; a play, rodeo, car show, parade, fun run and softball tournament.
I thought for weeks which pioneer should I make into a quiet doll in honor of this celebration. As the great great granddaughter of Mormon pioneers I had lots to choose from. My mom is actually the only living great granddaughter of Thomas E. Ricks, founder of Ricks College now know as BYU-Idaho. I just wasn’t sure which pioneers would be of interest to the general population vs say the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers
After much deliberation I decided the most prominent quintessential pioneer girl is Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie series. As a child my mother would read these books to me and my siblings. I especially love Farmer Boy the story of Laura’s future husband Almanzo. It had horses and mischief and good food. Almanzo’s family was wealthier than Laura’s family with large barns and I love the story of Almanzo’s dad giving him a fifty cent piece and challenging him to invest it instead of buying lemonade like his friends. Probably the book I found most memorable as a whole was The Long Winter, which tells the tale of her family in Dakota territory when they almost starved to death and were saved by Almanzo and his friend Cap Garland.
Laura wrote about growing up as a child of pioneers. I love the simple illustrations by Garth Williams that grace these books and many others in my growing up years. Laura is a master of describing all the details of daily life in pioneer times be it riding in a covered wagon or building a log cabin and all that went into providing for your family when you lived off the land. I also enjoyed the television series by the same name even if it isn’t exactly how the books go.
always, Vickie
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