Doris Day passed away last month at the ripe old age of 97. She was known for her lovely voice and her acting career. I don’t remember much about the Doris Day show but her performance in Calamity Jane is one of my all time favorites. After watching clips of her singing that she “… just got back from the windy city..” that song is stuck in my head. This was her favorite musical and I loved watching her jump up on the bar and dance around. Howard Keel her co-star is always a favorite and I enjoy the very feminine Allyn Ann McLeri who sang “Keep it Under Your Hat”. Their duet of “A Woman’s Touch” is one I find inspiring as housework is not my forte.
It was fun to finally tackle making a western cowboy outfit. I found the silver buckle in the jewelry section of a craft store. The boots have copper swirls and silver Sharpie dots and toes. The first time I watched the clp of her performance the lighting was off and I thought she was dressed in olive green… my bad. Once I got home and checked I realized she was dressed in browns and I dropped the idea of using embroidery floss for the fridge. It was a good thing I didn’t buy the suede leather cording as well in olive green.
If you’ve never seen her performance I highly recommend it! Clip